Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fun Ultrasound Facts

You knew that they do an ultrasound by taking that sensor device and rubbing it over Mom's tummy. You've seen it in a million sitcoms and movies in which someone is pregnant. What you didn't know is that there is another way.

Your very first ultrasound, when the baby is still a wee little thing, may require a little extra. If it's early enough, and the baby is small enough, and the kid is hiding off in some corner of the uterus, the regular abdominal ultrasound might not detect it.

If this is the case, you may very well get a vaginal ultrasound. The sensor is inserted, aimed the right way, and presto! You've got lub-dub heartbeats and a little smudge of a baby, right there onscreen. And you just know it's going to be the cutest smudge ever!

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