Sunday, April 1, 2007

Week Eleven, or, Whoa! Somebody Step On A Duck?

Hee hee hee.

Week eleven must be just about the very best week of them all. First the good news.

All women show in different ways. You may not even be showing right now. And if you are showing? Don't worry, because those women who do seem to be keeping their figures will be showing soon enough.

The bad news: your jeans are getting tighter, and buttoning them can be more work than usual.

The good news: You're off the hook! You can lay it all at the feet of your favorite hormone, progesterone.

The side effect:
...some of the less than flattering by-products of all the good [progesterone] does are bloating… and burping… and passing gas.

Come on now. I'm about to be a dad. Give me a few last gasps at juvenile giggles here. It's all part of this system of slowing down the digestion so that baby can get as many nutrients as possible. That builds up the assorted bubbles and bloating that give you some discomfort and embarrassment. But really, look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't get a laugh out of this line:
...your baby is oblivious to all your intestinal distress, and may even be soothed by the gurgling of your gastric symphony.

Seriously. You have to admit that "gastric symphony" is a spectacular line, right up there with "all the world's a stage."

What does the kid look like anyway? What to Expect, perhaps humiliated by losing to American Baby for the last two weeks in the head to head food comparison, has no comparison this week. It's just straight up hard facts. Length: two inches. Weight: 1/3 of an ounce. Head: still mutantishly large.

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