Saturday, March 17, 2007

Drink Up, Shamrock Lovers!

Of course, moms-to-be aren't allowed to drink, and dads-to-be could at least show a little moral support. Here's a nice little pick me up. It's tasty and refreshing, especially as we get into these warmer months of spring. It's rich in calcium and potassium, so it helps with leg cramps and healthy bones. Best of all, it's super easy to make: just tell Daddy to do it!

Here's what you need dad:
1 cup lowfat milk
1 large ripe banana
1 cup lime sherbert
1 lime, sliced for garnish

Put it all in a blender, and blend until smooth. Makes two servings. Looks like this:

This thing tasted so good, even Marty had to check it out:

This great drink is modified from one found at this link from the Kansas State University Family Nutrition Program. It's in the kid's recipes section, so you can do it Dad. Mom will thank you.

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